Web 2.0 (as i understand it ) is an interactive Internet where the user contributes to the structure of the Internet. 2.0 shows great potential and may require a partial paradigm shift at least for me.
the Internet as we all know is a veritable cornucopia of information, however it is not always accurate and is frequently plaged with scams and schemes, wikapediea comes to mind as i think of interactive Internet applications, again not always accurate or do we really know? considering we would seek information on this site to gain knowledge of a given subject with little or no previous knowledge of it. Conversely the knowledge gained from 2.0 applications could be correct and with multiple sources could be even more in depth. On line college courses would be a good example( i think) and real time communication in an ever growing global market. the problem i foresee with 2.0 would be it's potential for even more abuse than the with the present web configuration.
on the other hand what technology has not been abused in some way left in the hands of a free society? but would this not lend it's self to a moral responsiblity issue, not web issue? If people create the internet they are responsible for it's content.
Having unlimited potential I am excited about 2.0 and where it will lead and look forward to exploring it further dispite 2.0's potential drawbacks i will still embrace it.....I look forward to your feedback!......
Excellent and thoughful post Doug